This is in the Bratz News section since I think it could be potentially related to Bratz (considering Isaac keeps mentioning 2020) later on. I stg if this messes up the next comeback

Apparently there might be a short supply of L.O.L OMG and other lines from MGA right now due to the Coronavirus for holiday season.
Some highlights:
Toymaker MGA Entertainment is warning that the outbreak has already significantly disrupted production of its brands in *****, including its global toy hit LOL Surprise. That will delay production and shipments of the company's toys, which typically are made now for the fall and holiday shopping seasons.
This means LOL Suprise toys could be hard to find by the end of 2020.
"All toy companies begin production for fall products right after the ******* New Year. These are toys for Christmas," Larian said. "We have now already lost at least three weeks in our production cycle. I just got a call that some of our factories may not open until March."
"We now have to manage how we reallocate the supply of our toys not just to customers in the United States but worldwide," [Isaac] said.
Mostrando esto desde que Isaac sigue mencionando a Bratz para el 2020 y esto podría potencialmente afectarlos. El coronavirus está interrumpiendo la producción de MGA en ***** en este momento y podría llevar a la escasez de suministro (incluyendo LOL OMG) para las fiestas.
Показывая это, так как Айзек продолжает упоминать Братц в 2020 году, и это потенциально может повлиять на них. Коронавирус нарушает сейчас производство MGA в Китае и может привести к дефициту поставок (в том числе LOL OMG) на праздники.